A few things we’re great at
Welcome to Intercultural Business Communication.
Our target group oriented solutions for your success.

German for Business Purposes
IBC offers courses with a clear focus on German for business purposes because only targeted communication leads you to your success.
Therefore, we develop in your lessons the relevant German language skills and prepare you optimally for your presentations and negotiations.
In other words: We help you to improve your business communication with your German speaking business partners and customers.

Tailor-made German Courses
IBC specializes in tailor-made German courses that take into account the specific requirements and needs of your company when creating a course programme.
This includes for example, industry and subject-related company courses, but also presentation or negotiation trainings in German.

Intercultural Communication
IBC supports you in developing and improving your communication skills and intercultural competence, as these are essential for entering the German speaking market.
Mastering the language is one aspect, but it is equally important to know the cultural rules and the “do’s and dont’s”.
Even more: The better you speak German, the more your business partner expects you to know the German culture.
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